Life is not a rollercoaster Ronan…

It’s a fu***ng see saw .

Up and down and up and down.

Not a teeny bit of an up followed by an ever so slight nudge down though .

It’s all or nothing , at least that’s how it feels at the moment.

Sorry , you know me and my analogies!! I’ve been pondering this one a while.

So when the man himself Ronan Keating sang to us “life is a rollercoaster you just gotta ride it ” well I see his point , you do “just gotta ride it ” not getting off any time soon. It’s just a rollercoaster is fluid and you can see what’s coming up ahead. Brace yourself for that huge dip before it happens. Hold on tight and you’re climbing up up up with the sounds of the cranking machinery in your ear.

My life doesn’t feel much like that at the moment.

Definitely more of a seesaw .

My new house is finally coming together , it’s been a long old trek . Emotionally exhausting and hard work. It’s all coming together though. I’m back running , that’s doing wonders for my mental health . There’s much talk of plans for the future within our family. Youngest boys uni plans , teen girls post school plans ,small girls high school plans. Our plans as a family. So I was there . I was up on the seesaw of life . At the very top , looking around savouring the view. Till whatever weight was keeping the other side down disappeared leaving me back to to earth with a huge bump. No warning , no bracing for the drop. Just suddenly I’m on the floor .

Makes me think of good old Alanis and her ironic lyrics !

Well, life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything’s okay and everything’s going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out when
You think everything’s gone wrong and everything blows up
In your face

My sister and I , despite being pretty cynical types always agree about the latter bit of this statement. No matter what , no matter what turns up to stick a spanner in the works of your life , things generally turn out ok . Something turns up and everything is fine.

I don’t want to be someone who can’t appreciate the happy because they’re waiting on something spoiling it . I don’t want to be high on the seesaw unable to appreciate the view because I know at any minute it could be spoilt.

I’m aware I’m rambling a little , but this was the purpose of my blog from the off. Get the thoughts out my head onto the page and work them out from there.

Do you guys ever feel the same ? That when things look like they’re just chugging along nicely , things finally feel like they’re coming together something unexpected will always seem to come along and spoil it ??

I think maybe I just need to stay away from the seesaw . You need two people for that to work anyway. I’m almost 40 and have a sizeable arse ,seesaws were never gonna work for me . Maybe I should just hop on Ronan’s rollercoaster after all (not a euphemism!!) hold on tight ,deal with the nausea and scream a bit and wait till it stops .

Balls….that spoils my blog title eh ??

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3 Little Buttons

16 thoughts on “Life is not a rollercoaster Ronan…

  1. I find the thing that spoils most of my ups is me. I can’t let myself enjoy my wins. I’m always thinking ahead to the next mammoth thing I need to do. I’m a couple of years away from 40, but still enjoy playing on the see-saw – good job I’ve got kids 😀 #dreamteam

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Real and true as always! Empathise and not just with the bum that needs a Twitter account all of its own and the vaguely exciting idea of a ride with Ronan. Always loved that song by the way. I was happy for a long time here on the whole and then got hit with a load of big bills and the ongoing marriage issues and heaps of paperwork to confront and have had two recent periods of the beast of depression knocking on my door. The good thing is I do recognise the knock these days so can fight against it. I am babbling – sorry. But your post spoke to me and I think like my late mum said sometimes parenting gets even trickier as the children get older and we have to do that mix of letting go and holding on tight – back to the rollercoaster perhaps?! #TriumphantTales

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah thanks Kate ! Yeah that’s where I am at the moment I think , just managing to keep a mental health wobble at bay ! There’s just always something!!


  3. I picked this post for 2 reasons. The first being that when hubby and I were getting together he had doubts about merging two families and a rather messy divorce, a friend of his quoted this to him ‘life is a roller coaster, you just got to ride it’ secondly 20 years on hubby and I listened to Ronan sing this very song on Friday night as part of the Boyzone farewell tour. it’s been a ticky 2 years for us with family deaths, ill health and financial issues and we just keep hurtling from one drama to another. This year we have the wedding child 4 and the arrival of our first grandchild to look forward to and we’re just focusing on that and nothing else, the rest will just get dealt with #globalblogging


  4. Brilliant post! I’ve been on a damn seesaw since January and I’d kinda like to get off sometime soon! I’m getting a bit seasick! Totally get what you mean. Thank you for sharing this with #TriumphantTales. Do come back next week!


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