The 5 blogs you need to be reading…

Whilst my blog (and this blogger ) are taking a semi holiday. I got to thinking about all the blogs I love reading. The ones where I see a new post and I can’t wait to read .

So as I’m not producing anything much myself at the moment I thought I could highlight some of my fave blogs ,that way rather than mourning my absence (yes you ARE!!!) you can read some great writing !

You know I always say I’m a bit of an all or nothing kind of a girl. I either love something to the point of obsession or I just aren’t bothered ? Same goes for the blogs I love . If you follow my Facebook page you’ll see I do share other blog posts on there a lot ,when I read a fab post I just want to share with everyone!!

So here’s my current fave 5 blogs

Popcorn for Lunch

Jemma is such a funny writer , I promise you read her stuff you will laugh. If you’ve ever had a few small humans running you ragged and are wondering how the hell this happened to your life then this is the hilarious blog for you . She’s even a bit of a blogging superstar too – award winning and everything as she wrote about here

I’d recommend her Instagram too….if Instagram makes you feel like the world’s biggest loser failure , Jemma’s is kinda like the anti -Instagram!!

Lucy at Home

My #blogcrush co-host and all round lovely lady Lucy writes a lot about gentle parenting. Although I don’t have little little kids anymore I often find her hints and advice are transferable to how I approach and deal with people in general.

She’s no one trick pony though , she covers a wide range of topics too from reviews through to mental health. Her writing is always thoughtful and considered . A recent piece of hers was about how children pick up on the little things we say without thinking, comparing situations with our grown up experiences and it was really effective! It’s here if you want a sample of her stuff.


Enda is just a brilliant writer . His posts never quite feel like a blog post but have an almost poetic style.

A parenting blog that doesn’t feel like a parenting blog is how I’d describe it . His writing has a hypnotic quality to it I do look forward to a new post .

One of my faves of his was this piece in which you can feel the stress as you read and the subsequent comfort .

Reflections From Me

This is a blog written absolutely from the heart. It’s honest and beautifully written.

Covering a whole variety of subjects , a recent post about how to help someone going through a hard time (which you can read here ) and other recent posts about mental health I have really related to .

If you want a relatable , warm , honest blog I think you’ll find a post from this blogger that will do just that !!

Ellamental Mama

If you read my Facebook page you will see me fangirling all over this blog on a regular basis.

This is my absolute favourite single parent blog. Another searingly honest blog the posts are always thought provoking and touching and so well written they’re a treat to read. This blog’s Facebook page is also a really good resource for single parenting articles and think pieces that are shared on there too.

She wrote a fab response to the single mum bashing that London mayoral candidate Shaun Bailey had been pedalling just here . It’s great!

So there are just a little pick of my faves. There are so many great blogs out there though and what I love about a blog post is that they’re generally short enough to have the time to read ,but the good ones can really pack a punch and leave you thinking about them afterwards!!

Happy blog reading !!!!

Mission Mindfulness

10 thoughts on “The 5 blogs you need to be reading…

  1. A great selection. I am also a big fan of Ellamental Mama and Reflections from me. I have never heard of Popcorn for lunch though. I’ll check it out. Pen x #thesatsesh

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