The little things that make you smile…

 I don’t think anyone would disagree that feeling happy is a bloody brilliant feeling. We often look for the huge things to get us there though don’t we? Perfect house, dream job, falling in love… Sometimes though I find the little things do just as well. Do you know what I mean?? When a teeny tiny thing just makes you smile. These are my favourite small things that make me happy.

The perfect cup of tea
When you take that first sip (not straight away silly you’ll burn your mouth, that won’t make you smile) The milk content is perfect, the strength is magnificent right to the very last mouthful that cuppa is a masterpiece. If this is the first cup of the morning you, my friend, are winning at life. Just don’t try to replicate that perfect cup. It never ever works twice in a row.

Thoughtful texts and emails
When someone tells you there’s a TV programme /show/movie that they think you might like. That always brightens my day. It’s a nice feeling to be thought of, and to know someone took the time out of their day to let you know that they know you well. Makes me feel all fuzzy and loved.

The Humber Bridge
As anyone who doesn’t live ‘at home’ in Hull anymore will know, there’s a certain part of the journey where you catch your first glimpse of the bridge. It. Feels. Amazing.
I always get giddy when I see it as it means you’re almost home. The ‘Welcome to Hull’ sign at the train station is similar for me, the second my foot is on the Hull station platform I smile.

Well mannered children
Specifically mine.
When we go out for dinner or are just amongst the general public I love when they’re beautifully mannered to strangers. It makes me think ‘ah I’m raising these lovely individuals’. Said general public will never know that a couple hours later these lovely polite children will be tearing chunks out of each other over some computer game, but ignorance is bliss so they say.

An uninterrupted bath
This one I can rarely pull off if the children are actually home. The fighting I spoke about above will inevitably commence the second I dip my toe in the bath water.
When they’re not home though, a bubble bath, candles, hair mask ,trashy magazines and a glass of wine is the ultimate treat. There’s even time to use your posh body butter when you get out because no one is battering the door in in desperate need for a wee and no they can’t wait as I’ve been in the bath agggeeeessss (approx 7 mins)

A charity shop bargain
Books, board games, shoes, bags… Everyone loves a bargain don’t they?! Finding a book in the charity shop I used to have as a kid is an amazing feeling. I once picked up almost every Judy Blume book for eldest girl for about £3 (I did buy Forever, but I didn’t give her THAT one!) Finding a bargain, encouraging recycling AND helping charity. That’s borderline smug happy that is!!

Of course there’s many more but I won’t bore you with them. I’ll just say this. A tube of wine gums with more than one black in it can raise the spirits even on a dodgy Monday!

Sometimes it really is the little things!!

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9 thoughts on “The little things that make you smile…

  1. I love this and I totally hear you, little things can make you Judy as happy (if not actually happier) than those big extravagant things. I love a good cup of tea and I can only have a bath once the kids are in bed, if I dare have one on a Saturday morning when the hubby is home my 3 year old will be bashing down the door and climbing in with me. Happens every time! Fab post xx #postsfromtheheart

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love this. On a shitty day, finding a little thing to make you smile can be everything. whether it be hubby letting me have control of the tele, or him cooking dinner for me or taking the night feeds. Little things make a massive difference! #PostsFromTheHeart

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  3. Mine has to be an hour of silence.It’s very rare i ever get that but when i do it’s like meditation and i feel energised at the end of it. Also when my husband buys me a dark chocolate bounty without me asking. True Love #postsfromtheheart


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