5 Back to School lies I’ll tell myself…

To put it mildly I’m not the world’s most organised and efficient mum. There are areas in my life where I can be highly efficient but parenting just seems to miss out on that side to me . I’m the one having to buy cakes for coffee morning on the way to school because I only remembered I should have baked some when I woke in a panic at 3am. I’m the one who has to take in forgotten PE kits or leotards because gymnastic club slipped my mind.

September for me though is like my New Year. It’s my chance to start again. To be one of the mums I’m in awe have who always know what is going on and always have the appropriate equipment on the correct day.

I know myself well enough though that making myself a load of promises is setting me up to fail by October half term and making me feel bad.

I will try though. I’ll try and get my act together and be one of those proper grown ups because on the face of it it’s not tricky. So I’m going to tell myself I’ll do better even if that involves telling myself a few fibs.

I will ensure EVERYTHING is ready the night before

Easy peasy this one.

Clothes , equipment , snacks all sorted of an evening meaning no crazy mornings . No crazy mornings mean calm mum . Calm mum is best for everyone involved.

This one isn’t sooooo much of a fib as a little optimistic. I can do this one. I will do this one .

There’ll be a morning though , one of those mornings where something small goes wrong and things spiral. I’ll hit snooze rather than get straight up , there’ll be no bread , small girl will have initially packed her homework in her bag the night before only deciding at 7 am that she must admire it again then misplacing it causing a crazy hunt , missing the train and that’s it then morning madness. Stressy, snappy mum is ON and no one likes her. Least of all me .

Hearty breakfasts shall rein supreme

When small girl is with daddy ,he makes her a hot breakfast everyday .

I can’t fib to you fine folk this does not happen here. Here breakfast is going to be toast or a bowl of cereal ,or a croissant. Croissants I find are doubly helpful as a breakfast item as when the mornings mentioned above happen they can be eaten on the go.

I’ll tell myself I’m going to step up though. All it would take was getting up half hour earlier , make some pancakes or omelettes ,bacon or sausages (not eggs cos they freak me the hell out -see also baked beans) We shall all sit and start the day together eating a delicious breakfast before we go to start our days .

I really am fibbing to myself here.

This I could keep up for a week , maybe two. The thing that seems to happen in this house is though the more time we have to spare the more things go wrong. I could keep up the getting up early but I’d find myself something else to do and before I knew where I was I’d no longer be lovingly flipping heart shaped pancakes but asking if they wanted jam or nutella on their toast and to HURRY UP. … I know my limitations.

I shall become homework enforcer

Nothing causes a good row here like homework.

Me accusing the teens of doing it in a morning for example which they obviously aren’t this DEFINITELY does not need to be in today OK!!!!

Me suggesting to small girl that maybe her teacher won’t mind if she doesn’t use the special homework pen that she’s left behind at school and maybe as long as it’s done is all that matters .

Seriously what do I know.

This year though , I’ll keep right up to date with what the teens need to be doing when so I know what’s going on . Homework planners will be looked at and we’ll have no morning rushes . I’ll have 3 special homework pens for small girl. I’ll not react in a grumpy snappy fashion when she is snappy and grumpy with me when I suggest getting the work done .

I’m only fooling myself.

The teens seem to stop writing homework in their planners come October , they tell me all their homework is online so YES they need the laptop for it . They’re definitely not browsing online …..nope , no way !!! It all goes downhill from there.

Meal planning will happen

This is one I really mean .

Every time I promise it.

Teas shall be planned in advance , meals shall be cooked and frozen where possible and every night I will know what we are going to have without any Asda panic or freezer roulette .

All sounds great , and organised and would work so well for us ….


Me !!!! I couldn’t handle the thought of knowing what I was going to eat on Thursday. What if I fancied chilli but it was lasagne , that’d drive me nuts ! So I’ll spoil this one , can’t even blame the kids .

The school run will go smoothly

Our lovely calm mornings will mean we are out of the door in good time to get the early train and we’ll get to school with time to spare .

Yeah the others have been gentle fibs to myself but this one is a whopper .

There are just too many components you see.

I’ve got up nice and early -this much I can do.

The kids have got up and ready without too much nagging and moaning and “Come on get up!” X50

We haven’t lost pe kits or homeworks or water bottles

And so many more .

I’ll achieve the school run goal the majority of days , I will. There’ll be those horrific mornings though when it all goes wrong and we’ll get to school JUST as the lines is going in all rushed .

I am going to try at all these things though , really will. They’d all make my life easier and our mornings calmer.

I’m just realistic enough to know in a house with 5 people all with somewhere to be I’ll not hit every one of this goals ,everyday and beating myself up about it won’t really help.

Come on September -let’s give it our best!!

20 thoughts on “5 Back to School lies I’ll tell myself…

  1. I’m really not looking forward to the twins starting school and it’s still 2 years away! I’m sure I’ll be telling myself the same fibs 🤣

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh how I understand all of these lies because I tell them to myself too. It never works past week 2 though but at least we tell ourselves we’re going to, right?! #TriumphantTales

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s scary that we’re talking about putting Ben’s name down for nursery next year already, time flies and I want it to stop! I’ve got all this to come!
    Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back next week!


  4. Hahaha – with me somethings only lasts for about a week until the novelty has worn off. But if there are two things that is a life saver for us then it is making sure everything is ready the night before and meal planning. As for a hearty breakfast well that happens over weekends only and as for homework – I hate it #dreamteam

    Liked by 1 person

  5. ‘There will be earlier bedtimes on school nights’ – never works for me!
    ‘We will do XYZ activities after school’ – child mostly lands up with electronics despite the enthusiasm of said activity in the morning.

    Keeping as much ready the night before – huge help!!!
    #itsok, there’s always next September;)


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